$1,996.97 USD

6 monthly payments

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Mastermind Access - Payment Plan 6 month plan

  • Weekly 60 minute group coaching calls for 6 months
  • Private Facebook community with your amazing wellness peers
  • 24/7 support
  • Lifetime access to the modules, templates, playbooks, content calendar, and launch method
  • Access to my proven audience growth system
  • My signature sales page strategy
  • PLUS 4 Epic Bonuses

What People Are Saying:

I can already see how a system like this is paying off. I’ve been able to start building a small email list of 50 paying customers within 10 (or so) days, which is something I have really struggled with in the past. (Total of $1600 in like 8-10 days, which is really great, good start) Now, I can share my expertise with more people, and I spend less hands-on time if that is what I choose to do. Again, this is only the beginning, but it sure feels like the start of something that is going to help me achieve the work-life balance I want and create an environment where I can spend as much time with my wife and future family as I see fit! So, if you are a business owner or you want to create the life you want AND you are willing to do the necessary work, then this is something that will be incredibly valuable to you!

Dr. Vincent Esposito